So, I have finally entered the blogging world. Well, I have technically been around for a bit now, but, without a blog to call my own. The title is one that a few of you out there may know. I will make my first blog entry on that, I suppose.
In high school, most of my friends and I were very involved in our church youth group. It was our total social atmosphere. I attended a very small, private Christian school and attended the church that it was affiliated with. See the bubble here? Everything we did socially, for the most part, was with our youth group or school. I'm sure that others branched out more than I did - or, I know they did, rather - somewhat, but, since I was also involved in sports, it was church and school and that filled my time!
O.K., on to the title. About once a month, our separate high school discipleship group leaders had the "brilliant" idea to get all of the junior and senior girls together for a sleepover; Mug-A-Muffin, if you will. We all piled into the house of one of the leaders, and went on from there. This was one of the worst ideas for high school girls. If any of you can remember slumber parties, this one was worse than what you remember. There were many tears, much gossip, and less "discipling" to boot. However, I look back on them fondly. I don't know why. Maybe I was the one making people cry instead of crying? Perhaps, but, I don't remember that specifically.
I chose this title for my blog b/c I think that it represents something. An idea made with incredible faith in God's creation. You see, our leaders thought that bringing all of these young women together would bridge the gap. We all remember high school - the rich kids, the athletic kids, the fine arts kids, the band kids, the smart kids, etc. - being about fighting to find your ground and attempting to declare your independence. Yet, it became more than that. It also became about stepping on others to get to your piece of ground that made you feel safe. Many of us carry scars from these battles to this day. Others of us still revel in the warmth of the friendships we carry from those days. We learn alot about how to divide and conquer, or how to gather to ourselves in high school. And then we go on to college and figure out what works and what doesn't. But, the methodology was there long before sororities and dormitories.
So, Mug-A-Muffin is the name. This idea of coming together as women or men, mothers and fathers, and friends is age old and long ignored. We, as a society, embrace the idea of divisiveness as Biblical and proper. But, it is neither of those. Should we as Christians separate ourselves from evil and sinfulness? Absolutely. But, from the sinner? I think not. Democrats, Republicans, drinkers, abstainers, smokers, non-smokers, bloggers, lurkers, boys, girls, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Church of Christ-ers (?), etc. - it's time for a Mug-A-Muffin.
That's what my blog will be. It will be about life and kids and work and whatever comes to mind. But, I hope that there is something for everyone, if anyone reads it. I'll put alot of pics of the fam up here so that those far away can keep up. But, that's how I hope it will go. Talk to you all soon.