Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Long Goodbye

Isn't that such a dramatic title? It's what I've been calling this time period I am currently in since my sweet H was born over 5 years ago. The time that is about to come to an end when she starts kindergarten in 2 weeks. I can't believe that we are already here. I have been thinking the past couple of days that maybe I have been asleep or something and have now woken up and I've missed so many days or something. I've called this the long goodbye b/c I've always said that when my kids start school, their teachers will have them for longer periods of time than I will. And that makes me so sad. I am not expressing this to my little girl, so, please don't think I'm emotionally scarring her or holding her back or anything. I'm not a perfect parent by any stretch of the imagination, but, I'm not about to ever let her carry my emotional baggage. Her backpack is not big enough for that!!

In fact, I have encouraged her to be very excited about kindergarten. We talk about what she'll do and where she'll eat and we've toured the school, etc. But, in my heart, I just don't want her to go. I'm going to miss her. We're standing on the cupse of the rest of her life as a little girl, a pre-teen, a teenager and a woman. I wish I could go back and bottle all of the moments that I knew were fleeting, but, didn't really believe would pass so quickly. She's my baby. My oldest. We've learned so much together, she and I. She's helped me be a mommy. And in these next 2 weeks, I will have to focus on doing just that. Being a mommy. Getting her ready to be "on her own", in a way. Putting aside my slightly breaking heart and telling her that kindergarten is awesome. That she'll make so many friends. That she'll learn so many new things. That she'll have so much fun playing she won't be able to stand it. That she'll sing, and dance, and create until she's exhausted. She will love it. She really will. That's how God made her. She truly loves things. It's absolutely precious. I love watching her everyday. It's such an honor to be her mommy. So, I am going to miss her. And, I know that it will pass b/c I will get to see a whole new experience grow her into all that God has ahead of her. But, every day, every little moment that's she not with me, I will miss her. And that hurts.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Home Birth

I wanted to make sure that I wrote down my birthing experience with Jonathan so that I wouldn't forget any details! Here goes....
So, many of you know this, but for for those that don't, I gave birth to Jonathan right here at home- in the guest room to be exact. When I tell most people that, they think that we are crazy, or maybe hippies or anti modern medicine. However, none of that is really true. We actually sort of providentially stumbled into this experience. Although we wanted another child, my pregnancy with Jonathan was a big surprise- physically and financially! We did not have maternity insurance at the time. After praying through and discussing all of our options, we decided that a home birth with a dear friend and expert midwife, Susie Meeks, was the option for us.

It was an absolutely awesome experience. The prenatal check-ups were almost identical as with my other 2 pregnancies- it's just that Susie came to MY HOUSE! It was wonderful! The girls got to be really involved and I was always so comfortable. We had the same blood tests and ultrasound- it was the best. Now fast forward to the actual birth.....

Jonathan was now a week late. Susie had told me that I could try to drink some castor oil to start my contractions. She wanted me to wait until I was 41 weeks, so, on that very Sunday (1 week late), I got up early and went downstairs to drink the disgusting concoction of castor oil and orange juice. I got the first round down (barely) and went to lay back down. I then vomited it all up before it really worked. So much for that. Susie called me about and hour later, and I teared up and told her I had gotten sick. She said that she would be over after lunch to see how I was doing.

I had been having contractions for a couple of days, but, they weren't consistent. Susie got here and checked me and said that my cervix was still a little behind Jonathan's head. She said that was why he hadn't dropped more and why my contractions were coming and going. She said it would probably be a couple of more days before I would be in labor. I was disappointed. However, she said, she wanted me to try a couple of resting positions to try to get his head to turn a little to help my cervix move. One position was on my hands and knees on the floor and the other was just lying on my side with my leg propped up to the other side. They weren't uncomfortable at all and it was actually kind of relaxing. After about 45 min. doing these positions, Susie wanted to check me again before she left. When she did, she found that my cervix had moved down 3 cm, right under his head, and I was 4 cm dilated. I couldn't believe it!!! It was crazy! It was such a testament to me as to how God has created a woman's body, and to how schooled Susie is in the art of pregnancy and birthing. Rob and I were in total shock. That's when Susie said that we were going to have a baby that day. Ahhh!

I started having pretty regular contractions in the next hour. We called my brother and Rob's mom (my mom was obviously already here) and told them to head this way. Since we were doing this all at home, I didn't want alot of people here b/c I wanted to feel free to be able to walk around the house and labor. I wanted the girls to feel like they could get to me whenever they needed, within reason. My brother and sister-in-law had come over about a week before he was born to see where I would deliver and to get a feel of how I wanted them to watch the girls and how much I wanted them involved. I so appreciated them being so sensitive to how I envisioned the birth and the girls' part in it.

Once I was in active labor, they filled up my birthing pool and got all of the equipment out. Susie and the nurse, Cindy, had everything we could have needed or wanted. It was so professional. I labored in the water for about an hour and then got out and walked around and then back in the water. The contractions were somewhat manageable until I got to 9 cm. Then, it was hard to get any relief. I just had to focus and get through the contractions. I didn't scream or cry or anything. I have to focus intently to get through a contraction. If I were to scream or yell it would just distract me and hurt more. It's so weird how different people react- that's just my way. Anyway, I was having front labor and back labor, which made it hard to find a position to start pushing in. I started sort of on my back and it was SO painful. Cindy gave me some oxygen b/c I was getting tired. Then J's heart rate started to go down b/c he was stuck under my pubic bone. That was a scary moment. I was so tired and in so much pain, and then I felt scared. But Susie was so calm. She let me know that I needed to push, but, she never panicked or made me feel nervous. She had me get back up on my hands and knees and his heart rate went back up. So, now I was contracting, pushing and holding myself up on my hands and knees. I remember thinking, "Is this really happening? Am I going to get through this?". It was surreal. I was pushing and pushing, but, I could tell that he wasn't moving; and that seemed to make my contractions harder. Susie then changed my position. She had me get on my back and hold my own legs back. I remember wondering, why can't Rob hold my legs back?? What is he doing? But, Susie said it was important for me to hold them back to open up my pelvis. And sure enough after 2 hard pushes in that position, I heard those 2 magic words, "He's crowning!". I was almost there! Withe my next contraction, I pushed and I heard my beautiful son for the first time. Susie laid him on my stomach. I checked to make sure he was a boy (I couldn't believe it!) and then I kissed his sweet head. I had one more contraction and then my placenta came out- and then - no more pain. It was incredible. I felt tired, but, totally pain free.

So, there's the story. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I was home with my family, so comfortable, and we never had to leave. Jonathan was with us exclusively from the first moment he was born. No one took him away to wash him or dress him or put his first diaper on. I mean, Susie did those things for me, but, I was right there with her and Jonathan was right beside me. It all felt so natural and right. It was incredible. I know that, realistically, hardly anyone reading this will choose a home birth. If God hadn't so layed this situation out for us as this being the wisest choice, I probably wouldn't have chosen it either. But, I am so thankful that He did b/c I trust my body so much more now, and, I believe in myself a little more. I got to learn those things and I got this precious gift in my son. And my sweet girls feel so attached to him b/c they were such a part of everything (not the pushing- they were asleep for the last part- just to clarify).
And, that's how it went. Thanks for all the prayers- I felt them.