Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Going Home

I thought when I started this blog that I would just post things all the time. But, I have found that I want to have something to say, even if it's not earth shattering. This morning I went to a funeral of a very dear family friend, Peggy Southard. She had been battling cancer for 2 years and she passed away on Sunday morning. She and her family had planned the entire funeral and it was amazing. I don't even think that I can do the experience justice by describing it. It was truly a praise and worship celebration. I feel spiritually revitalized just by being able to listen to the testimony of the friends and family that loved her. I feel comissioned to go deeper with Christ and deeper into the Word because of the legacy of her faith that we celebrated today. A woman like Mrs. Southard is rare indeed. But, what I saw today was a description of an imperfect woman who struggled just as I do and many others do also. The magnetism of who she was, and is, was found in her relationship with Jesus. I can't explain what the whole service encompassed as far as describing her life and relationships and such. But, what I do know is that I felt God there. Intensely. He met everyone in that place today. And through His effect on believers and non-believers there, there was no doubt a call to Himself. For me personally, it was a call to be first and foremost a daughter of the Son of God. Then a wife, then a mother, then a child, and then a friend. I'm going to linger in the moment that was today and I pray that what I heard today would continue to penetrate. Because even though Peggy was by no means perfect, she was a standard of faith, relationship, and compassion that I aspire to. I can only imagine how it would feel to lose a mother at our relatively young ages. But, I know that the time they had with her is immeasurable and incomparable. I want to love my children the way that she loved her children. And, especially I want to love and cherish my husband the way that she loved and cherished hers. What a marriage. What a relationship. What a life.


shannon said...

court, thank you for such sweet loving words about my mom. i cherish them. love, shannon

Shannon said...

I am so sad that I didn't know Peggy passed away. I will always remember her at our soccer games encouraging her girls and us as well.

The older I get the more I understand "longing to clothed with our heavenly dwelling" (2 Cor.)

Love you and thanks for your words. Shannon Niemann