Friday, August 22, 2008

It's been about a year since I've posted anything on here. I doubt anyone even checks this thing anymore. I used to use this as a place to say something that seemed important or insightful, but, that was never my intention in the first place. I just wanted somewhere to stream thoughts.

I've been browsing the internet this morning, and every time I pull up a news page I'm looking for the same thing. Of course, it's not there, but it seems like it should be. You see, yesterday the world stopped. Or, it seemingly stopped. And I know for those closest to Joseph, it did stop. I'm not related to Joseph and I certainly did not know him as well as some of Allen and Gillian's closest friends. But, I loved him and so did my little girl and my family. We prayed and begged and pleaded for God to heal his little body- every day, and every night. It was such a part of my daughter's repertoire, that, we have to keep explaining how our prayers change. And, by all accounts it's the greatest change any of us will ever go through. It's what we're made for- to live with Jesus. It's the completion of our soul's journey- to go home and be complete. It's the human side of me that feels ripped apart for Joe's parents. "Little" Allen who had to let his son go. I don't know Gillian as well, but, I don't know if I respect anyone as much as her either. They kept a blog where both of them kept everyone updated and showed their vulnerabilities. And, the Father was leaned on so unswervingly and given praise, that the testimony was powerful.

And my friend, Jennifer, has written some amazing things about her beloved nephew on her blog. The scriptures are clear about the kinds of strength we are given to face the cruel and appalling disappointments of this broken world. My prayer for all of them, is that it is this Godly strength and the arms of Jesus that would be collapsed upon and into. Joseph is complete and whole now- more than any of us are today and he will be waiting for his mom and dad and sweet sister and all of those that he loves to join him in his completion. The trials we face here are but a brief moment compared to the eternal glory we will exist in. But, they're gut wrenchingly painful, at best. At worst, they're unimaginable and unbearable. But, with the hope we have in the gospel, they're made temporary. And that is the only way to survive them- knowing that it's not forever- it's but a brief moment.


Chipper said...

Just to let you know a few still check your page occasionally. Your words a more than true and many of us are hurting greatly right now. The strangest thing is though that we should be rejoicing in the unimaginable joy that Joseph must be having at this moment. I knw GIllian so well from college. I felt she was as close a friend as any of the guys were. I don't know her family asside from her blog and the brief moment I spent with them when they were moving back here from atlanta. However, I hurt for them now more than I think I have hurt for anyone I knew that had lost someone. Even more than I think I have greived for family members that I have lost. Being a father now it home so much more than I'm sure it ever would have before Ava was born. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that there are a lot of us hurting together right now. I wish that we all together could bear for them the pain that the Peabody family must be feeling right now. But I imagine all of us put together still may not be enough.

Randi said...

Thank you for your lovely post. I don't know the Peabody family at all, aside from their blog. I love them them,however, and their little boy has helped me to not fear God so much. He is not out to get anyone..He wants us to know that we are held.
Thank you again for your lovely words. I can't help but pull up across Joseph's website as well. He was such a gorgeous little boy, inside and out.

litl'amy said...

Hey we drove up here for 4 months with the Corps. Chip is working a temp job. We, I should say I, am happy yet sad. I miss everyone pretty bad. And to make matters a little harder, Ava is getting up like last night 5 times...just tired and missing home. We'll be back in January.